How to Write a Killer Bio (+ a Template to Write One in 5 Minutes!)

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Regardless of how passionate we are about our careers, as entrepreneurs, explaining what we do in writing can be daunting.

In my personal experience, the task of writing about myself brings on that dreaded keyboard paralysis quicker that almost any other type of writing. Why is that?

I have a few theories. For one thing, the stakes always feel really high. (I only have 8 seconds to make them like me so this better be gold!)

Also, it’s a really tough balance to strike between flattering and relatable. We want to:

  • clearly explain what we do, without sounding generic. 

  • stand out, without becoming unrelatable.

  • be engaging and cool, but also professional.

  • talk ourselves up, without being inauthentic.

Shwoo! Not easy! But I can make it a little easier.

A few of my clients have come to me for advice about how to craft a strong, succinct and authentic bio and I’ve used this formula with them to great success. (It’s also the same formula I used on my own About page!)

It’s designed to check all the boxes of a dynamic and authentic bio. It captures:

  1. Your big-picture approach.

  2. How you will help your reader.

  3. Why you’re great at what you do.

  4. And most importantly, what makes you unique.

The Formula

What is my core belief? (30-50 words)
I believe that...

Why am I great at what I do? (40-60 words)
I know how to _____ because...

What makes me different from other coaches in my field? (40-60 words)
My favorite part of my job is…
I’m here to help you...

Education, Behind the Scenes, etc. (100-200 words)

That’s it! Quick, simple and effective. If these answers come quickly to you, you could probably have this done in 5 minutes.

But wait! You might be thinking, “But what about my degrees / professional background / credentials? Why did I spend all that money on school if no one will ever know about it?!” 

Well, here’s the thing. I’m a firm believer in the power of storytelling, and in my experience, it’s your story, not your degree, that turns a reader into a client. That’s why I prioritize these elements.

However, if you are in a profession in which training and education make a big difference to your potential clients, feel free to add your credentials in the optional section at the end. But like I said, I'd only include this after the rest of your story.

There you have it! I hope you found this template helpful.