
 Client Spotlight

Ursula Pottinga

Neurotransformational Coach, Prosperity Guide, Creator of Profound Growth

What she received:

  • Custom copywriting

  • Custom website design

  • Logo design

  • Mood board

  • Opt-in coaching, design and setup

  • Password-protected client portal

See the finished site


What Ursula Needed 

Ursula Pottinga has been a coach, consultant and educator for more than 20 years. When she approached me about a website, her Profound Growth website hadn’t been updated in a few years and was no longer reflecting her expertise and offerings. Ursula wasn’t interested in something cookie-cutter, and she wasn’t nervous about niching down. She wanted her new website to be authentically her. That meant design that was light, sophisticated and elegant, and copy that captured her specialized training and specific approach to client work.

How I Approached the Project

Over a handful of in-person meetings (and a few glasses of wine), I interviewed Ursula about her extensive career history, her passion for her specific niche, and the way she wanted to impact the world in the next 5-10 years. I worked hard to make sure the copywriting on her site was the right mix of “science and spirit” which is her signature. The visual design we co-created blends sophistication (jewel tones, handwritten font) with her ease-filled style (lots of white space, natural imagery).

off white bg.jpg


Ursula Pottinga
Profound Growth


 Like what you see?

Let’s talk about how a new website could help your business and your confidence grow.